Thursday, June 15

THURSDAY, JUNE 15, (7:00 p.m.)

Nathalie Stephens with
Dana Vinger and Allison Gruber

Nathalie Stephens writes in English and French and sometimes neither. She is the author of several published works, including L'Injure (l'Hexagone, 2004), Paper City (Coach House, 2003), and Je Nathanaël (l'Hexagone, 2003); Touch to Affliction is forthcoming from Coach House Books in fall 2006. Stephens's work was selected as a finalist for the 2005 Prix Alain-Grandbois and Prix Trillium, and the 2000 Grand Prix du Salon du livre de Toronto. Her poems have appeared in Jacket, and Perihelion. Stephens has guest lectured and performed her work in the US and abroad and her work has been translated into Basque, Bulgarian and Slovene. Her translations to English include the work of Mavrikakis and François Turcot; she has also translated Gail Scott and R. M. Vaughan into French. On occasion, Stephens translates herself.

Powell's North is sponsored by the Writing Program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The Poetry Center of Chicago, and Powell's Bookstore. Each reading pairs an established poet, fiction, or non-fiction writer from around the nation with one or two emerging writers in an event that exposes the community to a dynamic variety of work from writers at different stages in their career.

Please mark your calendars for Powells' next reading, July 20, featuring poet Srikanth Reddy.