Tuesday, October 21 at 7 p.m.

We are pleased to welcome poet John Taggart to Powells North on Tuesday, October 21st.

John's latest collection of poems, There Are Birds is available from Flood Editions.


November 2008:

* Mickle Mahr, (playwright) see performances here.

December 2008:

* John Keene, (poet) author of Seismosis (1913 Press)

January 2009:


February 2009:

* Eula Biss, (nonfiction) author of The Balloonists (Hanging Loose); and Notes from No Man's Land (Graywolf, February 2009).

*AWP OFF-SITE READING!!!! with your favorite presses and journals, TBA

March 2008:

* Kyle Beachy, (fiction) author of The Slide (Dial Press)

April 2008:

* Michael Dumanis, (poet) author of My Soviet Union (UMass Press: Amherst)